Bergamasco Sheepdog

Bergamasco Sheepdog: Dog Breed Care, History & Characteristics

The Italian medium-sized Bergamasco sheepdog breed of herding dogs has a long coat that naturally forms a loose flock for protection. The coat is extremely low-maintenance and rarely sheds once these flock’s form. Despite their athletic nature, Bergamasco sheepdogs don’t need a lot of exercise. But when they have a “job” to do, like herding sheep, they are happiest.

As long as they get regular mental and physical stimulation, Bergamasco sheepdogs, despite their size, are surprisingly adaptable to a variety of living settings, including flats. They are good for households with kids and other pets because of their peaceful disposition, but early socialization is essential to make sure they get along with other people. All things considered, the Bergamasco sheepdog is a special and endearing breed that enriches any home with happiness and affection.

Bergamasco sheepdogs
Bergamasco sheepdogs

Characteristics of the Bergamasco Sheepdog

Bergamasco sheepdogs are highly committed to their profession and have a temperament that is patient and protective. Despite having an autonomous side to their personalities, they are typically devoted and loving to their families.

The Bergamasco Sheepdog is a medium-sized breed recognized for its distinctive coat and excellent intelligence. This ancient herding dog is known for its calm disposition and moderate activity levels. While they may not be too friendly or lively, they build close ties with their people and get along well with children and other pets. Their mild activity requirements make them suited for a variety of lifestyles; nevertheless, they do require cerebral stimulation to flourish.

Their luminosity shines brilliantly during instructional gatherings, however their autonomy can also result in obstinacy. Nevertheless, through tolerance and tenacity, they have the potential to shine in compliance and swift exercises. Despite their cleverness, they exhibit a minimal tendency to vocalize, rendering them perfect for urban living or intimate neighborhoods. Additionally, their coat that sheds minimally demands scant attention, yet occasional maintenance is essential to prevent tangling. In summary, the Bergamasco Sheepdog proves to be a multifaceted and loyal ally for individuals who relish its unique attributes.

History of the Bergamasco Sheepdog

The mysterious beginnings of the Pastore Bergamasco remain shrouded in obscurity. An intricate investigation conducted in the year 2018 unveiled compelling clues of haplotypes interlinked with various European breeds such as the Berger Picard, the Bernese Mountain Dog, and the Briard.

The mysterious beginnings of the Bergamasco Sheepdog, a beloved breed deeply rooted in the culture of Bergamo, Italy. Throughout the ages, these faithful comrades have wandered the ancient pathways, their lineage potentially harkening back to distant Middle Eastern strains, their existence a lasting tribute to the area’s colorful past.

The Bergamasco Sheepdog, a sturdy breed, thrived in the Alps, excelling in herding and guarding livestock. Their flocked coat, crucial for protection, shielded them from elements and injury. Their intelligence led to close collaboration with humans, exhibiting independence and problem-solving skills. Bergamasco Sheepdogs epitomize resilience in mountainous terrains.

The breed’s numbers began to decline following World War II, although breed groups tried to preserve it alive. The Bergamasco was officially recognized by the American Kennel Club in 2015, and it remains an uncommon dog breed worldwide today.

Bergamasco Sheepdog Care

The Bergamasco Sheepdog, a breed recognized for its distinct fur, necessitates regular exercise and consistent instruction. Its one-of-a-kind coat is effortless to manage with appropriate attention. Individuals who own sheepdogs must emphasize physical activities and social interactions for their fluffy companions to guarantee their health and contentment.


These hounds necessitate a minimum of one hour of physical activity daily through strolls, running, trekking, frolicking, and additional activities. They also take pleasure in canine competitions, like agility and shepherding, that can contribute to engaging both their physical beings and cognitive faculties. Nevertheless, swimming typically proves to be a less than ideal pursuit due to the burden the water imposes on their dense fur and the hindrance it poses to movement.


  • Coat Composition:
    • The Bergamasco’s coat consists of three distinct hair types: dog (fairly soft), goat (coarser), and wool (fuzzy).
    • The goat and wool hair types do not start to appear until the dog matures.
  • Mat Formation Process:
    • At around one year of age, the Bergamasco’s coat undergoes a process known as “ripping,” which forms the characteristic mats or flocks.
    • This process can take several hours but is a one-time occurrence in the dog’s life.
  • Maintenance and Shedding:
    • Once formed, the flocks will continue to grow and become denser, requiring minimal brushing and shedding.
    • Despite being matted fur, the mats do not reach the skin, thus avoiding irritation.
  • Bathing and Drying:
    • Baths are only necessary a few times a year for the Bergamasco.
    • After bathing, the flocks should be thoroughly dried with the help of fans to prevent moisture-related issues.
  • Nail Care:
    • Regular nail checks are recommended, with trimming needed about once a month to maintain optimal nail length.
  • Dental Hygiene:
    • Daily tooth brushing is ideal for the Bergamasco to maintain good oral health.


  • Early training and socialization are crucial to prevent the development of undesirable behaviors in this breed.
  • Their high intelligence makes them receptive to positive training methods, but they may display stubbornness due to their independent nature.
  • Consistency in commands and positive reinforcement are key to fostering cooperation and obedience in Bergamasco Sheepdogs.
  • These dogs often view their humans as equals rather than authority figures, which can influence their response to training.
  • Introducing them to various people, dogs, and environments from a young age helps to build confidence and reduce their natural wariness of strangers.
  • Socialization efforts should aim to temper their protective instincts and promote a well-adjusted demeanor in different situations.

Common Health Problems

The Bergamasco Sheepdog, known for its robust health, may face occasional hip and elbow concerns. Responsible breeders prioritize testing for degenerative myelopathy, safeguarding against spinal cord issues. With proactive care, Bergamasco Sheepdogs thrive, embodying vitality and resilience in their lineage.

Diet and Nutrition

Ensure your Bergamasco Sheepdog stays healthy with fresh water and a balanced diet. Consult your vet for personalized feeding recommendations. Watch portions to prevent overeating and monitor weight. Opt for high-quality meals to support your dog’s well-being. Remember, a healthy diet is key for your Bergamasco Sheepdog’s vitality.


The Bergamasco Sheepdog, with its unique coat and gentle temperament, stands out as a versatile companion. Their intelligence and adaptability make them suitable for various living environments, while their loyalty and affection enrich any home. With proper care and training, they thrive as cherished members of the family, bringing joy and companionship to those fortunate enough to welcome them into their lives.

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